The afternoon of Monday, April 8, 2024年,怀安多特县和俄亥俄州各地的游客将看到日全食. According to the Ohio Emergency Management Agency, the path of the solar eclipse will span around 124 miles, stretching across 13 states from Texas to New Hampshire.
With an expected influx of visitors to the community, 怀安多特县公共卫生部为该县居民和游客提供了以下提示,以确保他们有一个安全有趣的日食观看派对.
随着更多的人来到这个县并利用了怀安多特县的资源, 当地居民和游客被鼓励提前计划旅行中断.
要了解在怀安多特县在日食周末要做的事情的完整列表(住宿), food, events, and emergency services), visit the official Wyandot County 2024 Eclipse website
怀安多特县的当地人有兴趣为游客提供临时露营地,可能需要获得临时露营地许可证. 提供5个或5个以上露营地的临时露营地需要获得许可,并且需要收取住宿费用.
你需要知道的谁有网赌好的平台搭建临时露营地的一切都可以在 temporary campground page.
县里的人越多,就意味着会有更多的人去当地的商店买东西. Be sure your household is stocked with necessary food, medication, etc. 在日食之前的几天里,让你度过日食的周末和之后的几天.
一定要在月食周末之前从银行取出一些现金! 额外的游客可能会给该地区的可用现金和信贷系统带来压力. Make sure you're prepared just in case!
怀安多特县提供了许多美妙的当地餐馆和最受欢迎的连锁餐馆. 当地的食品卡车也可能在日食的周末营业.
对于希望在场外销售食品的食品企业,需要额外的许可. More information can be found in the temporary food vendor packet. Still have questions? Contact Wyandot County Public Health at 419-294-3852.
如果手机信号塔过载,使用本地手机信号塔的人数增加可能会对我们的通信能力产生一些影响. Plan ahead for these disruptions with loved ones.
请放心,怀扬多特县应急管理局目前正在制定备用通信计划,以确保应急通信线路畅通并准备就绪. Subscribe to receive Wyandot County emergency alerts here.
如果没有适当的安全设备或技术,观看日偏食是不安全的. During the very brief time the sun is in a total solar eclipse, the total eclipse may last only a short period of time, 当月亮远离遮挡太阳的太阳时,看向太阳, 一个人的视网膜可能会被太阳晒伤,这可能会对他们的眼睛造成永久性损伤. Visit NASA's eye safety webpage to learn more.
俄亥俄州应急管理协会解释说,直接观察日偏食的唯一安全方法是通过特殊用途的太阳过滤器, such as eclipse glasses or hand-held solar viewers. Homemade filters and ordinary sunglasses don't offer enough protection.现在就开始考虑眼睛安全,为你自己和你所爱的人确定最佳的观看选择.
Solar Eclipse Glasses:
Additional eclipse eye safety tips are as follows:
Even during a partial or annular eclipse, or during the partial phases of a total eclipse, the Sun will be very bright. 如果你正在观看整个日食,你可能会在阳光直射下几个小时. 记得涂抹防晒霜,戴上帽子,穿上防护服,防止皮肤损伤.
Find more Tips to Stay Safe in the Sun from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.